
How to Sign Your iOS App Before Submitting to the Apple App Store

Before you submit your iOS app to the Apple App Store, you must code sign your project. Code signing is essential for the submission process. There are alternative app stores that charge less for submissions. HKMap Live was taken off the App Store in late 2019. Learn more about the process and the benefits of code signing. After you’ve code signed, you can begin developing your app. To get started, follow these steps:

HKMap Live was removed from the ios app store in late 2019

HKMap Live is an iOS app that was removed from the app store in late 2019. However, it is still available online. The app’s developers have not been identified and are using Twitter and Telegram to share updates. They have also been asked why they decided to make the app public, but it is unclear how long the company will keep it off the app store. In the meantime, HKMap users can continue to use the app and find the location of any protest or riot.

Apple removed HKMap Live from the app store in late 2019 and re-approved it. The Chinese government accused American tech giants of shielding Chinese rioters by blocking the app, but they said the app was used for legitimate purposes. Some critics of the app argued that it helped Hong Kong protesters avoid trouble spots. Others argued that it was a way to evade law enforcement.

Code signing is essential before submitting an iOS app to the ios app store

Digitally signing your iOS application is required for it to run on devices. It enables Apple to verify who created the app and the source of any code changes. Code signing uses a code signing certificate issued by Apple. To sign an app, you must provision a device with a provisioning profile, which contains the App ID, the certificate you used to sign the app, and the UDID of the device. You can generate a provisioning profile in the Apple Developer Center.

Apple allows applications up to 4GB in size. Apple has expanded this limit to 4GB through iTunes Connect, but cellular networks still only allow 100 MB. Despite these limitations, code signing is essential before submitting an iOS app to the App Store. Apple’s guidelines require all apps to have a certificate signed by the developer. Code signing is also necessary for installation, integration, and submission to the App Store.

Alternative iOS app stores charge less for submissions

While Apple App Stores and Google Play are the primary places to submit apps for consideration by users, alternative iOS app stores often offer less-competitive terms and a much lower fee for submissions. Apple doesn’t charge any developer setup fees, but there are fees associated with submitting to other platforms. The fees for submitting to alternative stores typically range between 10% and 20%. The following are examples of the types of apps that can be listed on these platforms.

Developing for the ios app store

When developing apps for the iOS app store, it is important to remember to follow the proper guidelines. You can’t use generic keywords and you can’t include unverifiable claims in the app’s metadata. Names should be unique and the app should have no more than 30 characters. Other metadata rules apply, such as not including product claims, price lists, and terms and conditions. Even the app’s subtitle should follow the standard metadata rules. Apple may change the keywording of your app, so you must make sure to follow the guidelines and be aware of any changes.

Getting your app approved for the ios app store

Getting your app approved for the iOS app store isn’t that difficult, but it’s vitally important to avoid common mistakes. To avoid these mistakes, it’s imperative to do a bit of research beforehand. For example, you should read about why some apps get rejected, and try to avoid making the same mistakes. Apple even publishes a list of reasons why apps get rejected.

Apple has been taking criticism on the approval process for some time, and developers have expressed concerns about transparency, consistency, and the impact on software functionality and updates. While Apple hasn’t fixed all of these issues, it’s made improvements to speed up the approval process, and has even shortened it. If you’ve been waiting for approval for a while, here are some of the best tips:

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